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Paper Presentation in the SCP Conference by RECONMATIC

The RECONMATIC project participated in the inter- and transdisciplinary conference “Transforming Consumption-Production Systems Toward Just and Sustainable Futures” by presenting the paper "Review of Concepts for Construction and Demolition Waste and the Circular Economy".The conference took place between the 5th and 8th of July 2023 at Wageningen University & Research in the Netherlands and focused on creating a platform for exploring a wide range of experiences, practices, and policy initiatives in the context of cutting-edge interdisciplinary sustainable consumption and production research.

Scholars and practitioners, such as business representatives, innovators, policymakers and activists, engaged in sustainable consumption initiatives and participated with concrete ideas, examples, and methods of how to inspire learning and change in sustainable consumption and production with strategies for transformative change. Inspiring keynote speakers presented discussions and reflections on the links and gaps between theory and practice with the most recent technological and scientific trends to the attendees and addressed many sustainability issues.

RECONMATIC’s contribution to this event was notable and influential. Mahmoud Alhawamdeh (University of Salford) presented the paper on behalf of our partners and co-authors, namely Mahmoud Alhawamdeh and Juan A Ferriz-Papi, of the University of Salford (UK), Elena Goicolea, from I-Catalist S.L (Spain), Teresa Ros Dosdá, from Ceramics Industry Research Association (ITC-AICE, Spain), Jan Valentine, from the Czech Polytechnic University in Prague, (CTU).

The aim of the paper “Review of Concepts for Construction and Demolition Waste and the Circular Economy" is to critically understand how CDW is classified, as well as to differentiate between the various methods employed in the waste management process. Additionally, it presents a discussion on the existing thought regarding the concept of CE in the context of the construction sector. The paper’s findings can inform practical measures aimed at enhancing waste management application in addition to the ramifications for CE by offering guidance for planning, decision-making and establishing targets for reducing and recovering waste.

Read the full paper here:

Moreover, the conference participants had the chance to learn more about the RECONMATIC project and its current survey study through the paper presentation and personal discussions with our two team members present, Mahmoud Alhawamdeh and Teresa Ros Dosdá (ITC-AICE).

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The RECONMATIC project is funded by the European Union under Grant Agreement No. 101058580 and by the UK Research and Innovation as part of the UK Guarantee programme for UK Horizon Europe participation.​


The views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the HORIZON-RIA. Neither the European Union nor the granting authority can be held responsible for them.​

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