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RECONMATIC in the MSc Built Environments Summer School of the University of Salford

Members of the RECONMATIC team presented the project during this year's Annual MSc. BIM & Digital Built Environments Summer School, on the 9th-11th May at the University of Salford. The presentation was organised by Professor Jason Underwood and the programme team.

The event was attended by over 60 delegates, including current students on the programme and other programmes within the School of Science, Engineering & Environment and PhD students, whose research is focused on related areas, enquirers and applicants, staff and external industry professionals.

Our partners, Owen Ashton and Kane Greenough (Morgan Sindall), Vitalij Tetervov (BIMBox), Juan Antonio Ferriz-Papi (University of Salford), and Vaclav Nezerka (CVUT) provided an introduction to the concept of the circular economy to set the context of the background to the RECONMATIC project, an overview of the overall project, and the work-to-date from the perspective of the UK partners.

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The RECONMATIC project is funded by the European Union under Grant Agreement No. 101058580 and by the UK Research and Innovation as part of the UK Guarantee programme for UK Horizon Europe participation.​


The views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the HORIZON-RIA. Neither the European Union nor the granting authority can be held responsible for them.​

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