The RECONMATIC project will produce online education materials on the innovations developed, for both current construction sector staff and UG/PG students at tertiary level. The materials will be based on the new approaches and conclusions of the results of use cases studied within the project and aim to transfer the knowledge acquired. All the materials will be available in English and Chinese, on this webpage.
More specifically, an interactive guidance tool and related e-Learning resources and training program will be created to support start-ups to implement, evaluate and improve sustainability and circularity in their business models. Other training materials and practical tools will be developed, focusing on the competences necessary to generate product-service-systems based on the Circular Economy (CE) model, especially for the construction sector. The sustainability assessment tools to be developed within RECONMATIC project will be used in the corresponding training activities.
Convinced that training of the next generation of construction and waste professionals in using new technologies will strengthen the zero-waste system, the RECONMATIC construction partners will experience the use of RECONMATIC tools first-hand as part of the demonstrators and they will act as torch bearers to pass the light to their colleagues. Two training courses (seminars) based on these training materials will be organized in each partner country, focused on different stakeholders at different levels (for example professional chambers or hubs: of architects, authorized technics; association of construction companies, waste managers etc.) and more than 1,000 stakeholders are expected to be trained.
If you are interested in participating in the seminars, please contact us and subscribe to our newsletter to stay up to date with all our activities.